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Blog Topic: Highlights

May 6, 2020

Pandemics and epidemics

More than 2 million of the images in Artstor are now discoverable alongside JSTOR’s vast scholarly content, providing you with primary sources and vital critical and historical background on one platform. This blog post is one of a series demonstrating how the two resources complement each other, providing a richer, deeper research experience in all […]

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May 4, 2020

Our dogged companions

We at Artstor/ITHAKA are so devoted to our canines that we share a dogspotting channel that provides a steady stream of engaging pictures. During the crisis, as we isolate with our pets, the photos and anecdotes have proliferated. In tribute to our best friends who delight and support us during this time, we would like […]

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March 30, 2020

Museums, remotely

Missing your favorite museums? Let us reveal them to you remotely. JSTOR offers comprehensive coverage of the collections of well over 100 international museums and galleries through various accesses—ranging from fully public, from our community collaborators, as well as open collections with works entirely in the public domain—to selections in Artstor that are available to […]

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December 4, 2019

The drama of the operating theater:
Thomas Eakins’ medical paintings and clinical fact

More than 2 million of the images in Artstor are now discoverable alongside JSTOR’s vast scholarly content, providing you with primary sources and vital critical and historical background on one platform. This blog post is one of a series demonstrating how the two resources complement each other, providing a richer, deeper research experience in all […]

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December 3, 2019

The fine art of the feast

Seize the season! Once again we have crossed the Thanksgiving threshold into full-blown festivities and the crescendo to the new year. In celebration of the prompt to eat, drink, and be merry, we would like to present some inspiring visions. Let’s begin with the harvest itself, the basis of all feasts and the bountiful personification […]

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November 5, 2019

Robert Solomon on Joseph Stapleton and his 300 self-portraits

A unique offering from a second-generation Abstract Expressionist Art historian Robert Solomon has just contributed the Joseph Stapleton: Self-Portraits collection to Artstor. Below, he provides a perspective on the artist and his significant output of self-portrait drawings. Joseph Stapleton (1921-1994) was one of an estimated 400 artists who poured into New York City’s Tenth Street […]

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August 9, 2019

Pioneers of the deep: early Americans fathom the ocean

More than 2 million of the images in Artstor are now discoverable alongside JSTOR’s vast scholarly content, providing you with primary sources and vital critical and historical background on one platform. This blog post is one of a series demonstrating how the two resources complement each other, providing a richer, deeper research experience in all […]

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