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October 21, 2016

ITHAKA Founder and Trustee William G. Bowen Dies

The world has lost a uniquely gifted leader and friend. Bill Bowen passed away peacefully at 83 on October 20, 2016. He dedicated his entire professional life to the world of education, and was founding chairman of JSTOR and ITHAKA and founding trustee of Artstor. We extend our heartfelt sympathies and deepest condolences to his […]

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September 28, 2016

On this day: Michaelmas

The Christian festival of Michaelmas, also known as the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, is celebrated in many parts of the world on September 29. Michaelmas celebrates the story of Saint Michael defeating Satan, which is often depicted in the motif of Saint George and the Dragon, Saint George being the Archangel Michael’s earthly counterpart. The earliest […]

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September 26, 2016

Cross-cultural cross-sections: Student curators shed light on architectural collections

An interview with the graduate student curators of Avery/GSAPP Architectural Plans and Sections To celebrate the completion of our two-year collaborative project with Avery Library and GSAPP on releasing a collection of 20,000 architectural plans, sections, and related materials in Artstor, Lisa Gavell, Artstor’s Senior Manager of Metadata & Content, spoke with five of the […]

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September 26, 2016

Case study: Diving underwater with JSTOR Forum

Editor’s note: this post has been updated to reflect Artstor’s platform changes. We invited Stanton Belford, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology at Martin Methodist College, to tell us about his three Marine Biology collections in JSTOR Forum (formerly Shared Shelf): Red Sea, Trinidad, and Key Largo. Before describing the marine biology digital collections, I would […]

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August 29, 2016

Back to school with Artstor

Start off the school year with more than 2 million images! Here are some links to help you get started: * Register for a free Artstor account – you’ll be able to download images, log in away from campus, share image groups, and more! * Learn how easy it is to download citations! Export to your favorite reference citation management […]

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August 24, 2016

The surprisingly painful origins of modern anesthesia

In 1846, dentist William T. G. Morton assembled a group of doctors in the operating theater at Massachusetts General Hospital, a sky-lit dome located on the hospital’s top floor. As the doctors watched from the dome’s stadium seating, Morton waved a sponge soaked in a mysterious substance called Letheon inches from his patient’s face. The […]

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Case Study: Opening the Seattle Art Museum’s hidden archives
July 19, 2016

Case Study: Opening the Seattle Art Museum’s hidden archives

Editor’s note: this post was updated to include accurate information about Artstor’s platform changes in June 2018. Traci Timmons, Librarian at the Seattle Art Museum, shares with us the story of the completion of their first digital collection. The Seattle Art Museum only began issuing its annual reports digitally in 2007. Prior to that, for […]

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July 19, 2016

Artstor tip: How to share images and image groups

It’s very easy to share links to images and image groups in the Artstor Digital Library. Here’s how: Open the group you wish to share. This can be a Private, Institutional, Artstor-Curated, or a group that has been shared with you. From the menu choose Share > Generate image group link. Click Copy to Clipboard […]

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July 14, 2016

On the beauty and variety of cave temples: an interview with David Efurd

Professor David S. Efurd’s collection of nearly 10,000 photographs of Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain art and architecture was recently released in Artstor. We were particularly impressed by the variety and complexity of the rock-cut cave temples he photographed, and he was kind enough to answer our questions. Artstor: What is the importance of caves as the sites of some […]

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