This collection contains titles in more disciplines than in any other JSTOR collection, and the most non-US titles in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Journals cover more than 30 arts, humanities, and social science disciplines, as well as business, finance, and health science fields.
183 titles
Historical scholarly publications
Includes journals with extensive publishing histories, such as Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, with more than 140 years in print, and Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, the oldest scholarly publication in the United States.
Business and economics
Features a wide range of titles in the fields of business and economics, including Econometric Theory and Journal of Marketing, the official publication of the American Marketing Association (AMA). This cluster also offers multidisciplinary titles such as The American Journal of Economics and Sociology and The Business History Review, a journal publishing research by historians, economists, sociologists, and scholars of business administration, founded in 1926.
Art history
Broadening JSTOR’s coverage in art history, this collection features publications from distinguished institutions such as the British Museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Princeton University Art Museum, and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (the Berlin State Museums).
International scholarship
Diverse non-US scholarship spans many disciplines within this collection. Notable journals include Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, focused on Latin American literature and culture with text in Spanish and Portuguese, and Desarrollo Económico, published by the Institute for Economic and Social Development (Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social). Also included is Cahiers d’Études Africaines, an international and interdisciplinary bilingual journal devoted to the study of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas.
Arts and humanities
Preeminent journals in the arts and humanities add significant depth to the archive’s core disciplines, led by titles such as Dædalus from the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Dædalus draws on the enormous intellectual capacity of the American Academy, whose fellows are among the nation’s most prominent thinkers.